Saturday, 7 March 2009

Daffodil Hunting.

Off we went to Saltram House this morning hoping to photograph daffodils and couldn't find anything decent in the way of narcissus. In short we did not find ourselves in "such a jocund company". Considering that we have had St. David's Day, and that it is thought the daffodil was introduced to Britain by the Romans, you'd have thought we'd have had better luck. What a contrast to this time last year at Mount Edgcumbe, Cornwall, pictured. Maybe it's because we have had an unusually cold winter!

It's so frustrating when you go off with a picture previsualised only to come back empty handed. Never mind, it's not a great day for photography today anyway, very damp and dismal. And my camera battery is going flat...

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Chinese Garden of Friendship Sydney, 2008.

We saw this Lizard in the Chinese Gardens of Friendship in Darling Harbour, Sydney last August. It was a beautiful winter Sunday and the lizard was basking by the side of the ornamental lake. The lady in costume was actually just a visitor who had hired the costume-I'm not too sure how authentically dressed she was. 

I wasn't aware of these Gardens the first time I was in Sydney and was really impressed by them.  n.b.  I am talking winter by Sydney-Siders standards. I have had far worse summer weather in England than the weather we had in Sydney, which was a bit cold but mainly dry. Anyway, as I am a bit of a stickler for detail I now wish I had asked what species of reptile this was when I had the chance. Most people who have left comments or recommendations about the Gardens call it a Chinese Water Dragon and who am I to argue with them?   

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Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Ned and the Giant Prawn

Is it a cod? Is it a prawn? One thing's for certain you won't find one anywhere else. This piece of street-furniture surmounts a five metre tall cocktail stick between the National Marine Aquarium and the Mayflower Steps in Plymouth, Devon UK. It is usually referred to as the Plymouth Prawn or Barbican Prawn but I have been unable to ascertain its correct title.  I will investigate further next time I am on the Barbican. The second photo is a crop of the first taken with my new toy.

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Monday, 2 March 2009

Ned's first photo with the Sigma 10-20mm lens.

Well, here's my first halfway decent picture with the Sigma and I have to say I love it so far although I haven't really had time to really put it through its paces. I am pleased with the sharpness exhibited and the colour seems lovely and warm, but the camera was on a tripod after all. There is some flare but I was shooting into the light.

I have taken some other photos hand-held which look a bit soft to me but I think it may take a for me while to adjust to focussing the camera. I fully expect any problems to be user error rather than the fault of the lens. Time will tell.

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